Investing in global trends with tracker certificates

With tracker certificates, it’s easy to make diversified investments in global trends and topics, even in small amounts. PostFinance offers you various tracker certificates and assumes the issuer risk for these products as guarantor. You can trade tracker certificates in e-trading from an investment amount of 25.

  • Tracker certificate on the Swissquote Logistics Index

    The supply chain is a key success factor in a globalized world in which e-commerce is constantly gaining in importance. That’s because the logistics industry today involves much more than traditional transport over land, water or by air. Automation or the use of robotics now play a major role, for example. This development is being pushed forward by flourishing online trade, which is regarded as an important driver of growth and is also expected to lead to disproportionate revenue increases in the logistics industry worldwide. The tracker certificate on the Swissquote Logistics Index offers you a diversified, straightforward and cost-efficient opportunity to participate in the performance of global companies that operate in the transport and logistics sector.

  • Tracker certificate on the Swissquote Gender Equality Index

    The United Nations has defined a total of 17 Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. The goals are aimed at everyone, from states to civil society, and from economic and scientific stakeholders to each and every individual. The international community has designated gender equality as its fifth sustainability goal. The main focus of this goal is the ending of discrimination and the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls. Another of the goal's targets is to “ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership”. It covers all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. This tracker certificate on the Swissquote Gender Equality Index enables you to participate in the performance of companies that take a pioneering role on the issue of gender equality.

    Disclaimer: The name of this product alone and the use of terms such as “impact”, “zero carbon” or “low carbon” do not enable the conclusion that the product has a sustainability-related aspect with a measurable and/or verifiable sustainability impact.

  • Tracker certificate on the Swissquote Green Energy Index

    The topic of green energy is a key component on the path towards climate neutrality. Driven by increasing energy consumption around the world, global investment in clean energy is also growing. Companies which have positioned themselves to benefit from the increasing demand for renewable energies are finding themselves in a growth market. Solar and wind energy, thermal energy, biofuels and energy from other renewable sources are currently attracting investment. The tracker certificate on the Swissquote Green Energy Index offers a diversified way to participate in the performance of companies that benefit from this trend.

    Disclaimer: The name of this product alone and the use of terms such as “impact”, “zero carbon” or “low carbon” do not enable the conclusion that the product has a sustainability-related aspect with a measurable and/or verifiable sustainability impact.

  • Tracker certificate on the Swissquote Blockchain Index

    Blockchain has developed into one of the hottest trends on the financial markets − strengthened further by the increasing process of digitization around the world. As a digital, decentralized system, blockchain is perfect for running digital registers or documenting transactions. Blockchain technology has particularly high potential for use in platforms for banking and payment services and in the areas of cybersecurity, supply chains, insurance, technology, Internet of Things (IoT), law and real estate. The tracker certificate on the Swissquote Blockchain Index offers you a diversified way to participate in the performance of companies that operate in the blockchain economy.

  • Tracker certificate on the Future of Food Index

    There is a clear trend in the food industry towards sustainable and healthy foods. The areas of agriculture, agritech, food production and distribution offer great potential. The experts from Tareno AG have designed the Future of Food index in association with Leonteq and PostFinance, which offers a diversified way to participate in the performance of companies that invest in change in the food sector.

    Disclaimer: The name of this product alone and the use of terms such as “impact”, “zero carbon” or “low carbon” do not enable the conclusion that the product has a sustainability-related aspect with a measurable and/or verifiable sustainability impact.

  • Tracker certificate on the Swissquote Global eMobility Index

    Electric mobility is a major trend. All over the world, more and more electric vehicles are on the roads. State incentives related to climate protection and falling prices are boosting the market. The demand for alternative drive systems is higher than ever. The tracker certificate on the Swissquote Global eMobility Index offers a diversified way to participate in the performance of global companies that focus on electric vehicles and their drive technologies.

    Disclaimer: The name of this product alone and the use of terms such as “impact”, “zero carbon” or “low carbon” do not enable the conclusion that the product has a sustainability-related aspect with a measurable and/or verifiable sustainability impact.

  • Tracker certificate on the Swissquote Global Recycling Index

    How we handle waste is one of the greatest challenges facing society, together with climate change. There can be no solutions to global waste problems without innovative companies. Whether you’re interested in recycling, waste management, water treatment or efficient packaging: with the Swissquote Global Recycling Index, you participate in the performance of companies that are active in areas such as recycling, waste management, water treatment, pollution monitoring or other environmental services.

    Disclaimer: The name of this product alone and the use of terms such as “impact”, “zero carbon” or “low carbon” do not enable the conclusion that the product has a sustainability-related aspect with a measurable and/or verifiable sustainability impact.

  • Tracker certificate on the Morningstar® Big Data & Robotics Index

    Big data, artificial intelligence or robotics – as a result of technological megatrends, more and more disruptive innovations are having a long-term impact on the market. They are increasingly becoming an economically relevant production and competitive factor. They can help companies to unleash previously unknown potential. With the Morningstar® Big Data & Robotics Index, you can participate in a targeted manner in the performance of companies that operate in the fields of big data and analytics, nanotechnology, networks and computer systems, energy and environmental systems, medicine and neuroscience, robotics, 3D printing, bioinformatics and innovative financial services.

    Disclaimer: The name of this product alone and the use of terms such as “impact”, “zero carbon” or “low carbon” do not enable the conclusion that the product has a sustainability-related aspect with a measurable and/or verifiable sustainability impact.

  • You can invest in our themed certificates with a saving plan. The saving plan function enables you to invest regularly and automatically in selected themed certificates. This means you can build a diversified portfolio in stages and benefit from the cost averaging effect.

    Don’t have e-trading yet?

    You need e-trading to set up a saving plan for themed certificates.

    You have e-trading

    1. Select the themed certificate you would like above.
    2. On the trading screen, set the order type to “Saving plan”.
    3. Select the maximum amount you want to invest on a regular basis.
    4. Select the frequency – either weekly, fortnightly, monthly, every two months or quarterly.
    5. Set the start date for your first order.
  • The documentation for structured products sold by PostFinance can be found at or ordered free of charge by calling the Investment Business Support team. Purchases can be made online in e-finance or by calling the Investment Business Support team.

    In accordance with CISA, structured products are not deemed to be collective capital investments and are therefore not subject to authorization or supervision by FINMA.

    This information and these statements are for information purposes only and do not constitute either an invitation to tender, a solicitation, an offer or a recommendation to buy, sell or conclude transactions for any securities, other financial instruments or services or to perform other transactions. This information does not take into consideration the specific or future investment goals, financial or tax situation or particular needs of any specific recipient, and so they are not a suitable basis for investment decisions. As an investor, all investment decisions are taken at your own risk and you assume any losses which may result. Investments in structured products should only be made if the customer is familiar with the functionality, trends, structures and risks of structured products. The price, value and yield of structured products can fluctuate. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. There is an additional currency risk involved in foreign currency investments. It is not possible to guarantee that the invested capital will retain its value.

    None of the structured products sold by PostFinance may be offered or sold within the USA, or to persons who are US citizens, are resident in the USA, or are required to pay taxes in the USA. PostFinance does not distribute or sell structured products to persons who are resident outside of Switzerland. In such countries, PostFinance structured products are not offered and are therefore not available.

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