Investing for new entrants

Start investing when you’re young

Between the ages of 20 to 30 is a particularly good time to invest money. Even with very small sums, you can make good returns over a long period of time, especially if you start early. It gives you a long-term investment horizon, which means exciting investment opportunities to make your dreams a reality, to secure your future and get the best possible return in the process.

Retirement funds

Interest on the retirement savings account 3a is currently low. Retirement funds offer the prospect of a higher return in the long run. You can invest in funds with equity components ranging between 25%, 45%, 75% to 100%.

Funds saving plan

A funds saving plan, for example, allows you to invest small amounts into the fund of your choice on a regular basis, which helps you steadily build up your assets. By doing so, you’ll also benefit from the cost averaging effect, which will reduce your risk of investing at the wrong moment.


By making an individual purchase, you’ll invest a fixed sum in a fund. PostFinance offers 9 of its own funds as well as 40 third-party funds. There’s something for everyone, whether it’s a special thematic fund, sustainable projects and so much more.

Funds saving plan

Invest small amounts from CHF 20 regularly.


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