Connect providers to electronic invoices

Harness the potential of electronic invoices

Digitization of the invoice receipt process is in full swing. Our best practice documents help you as an invoice recipient to exploit the potential of electronic invoices and support you with the next step of connecting your providers in a targeted manner.

Persuade your providers now

Electronic invoices are becoming increasingly commonplace in everyday business in Switzerland. In the B2B sector, invoice recipients and issuers alike benefit from end-to-end digital invoice exchange via an ERP/accounting system.

To be able to harness the solution’s full potential, as many participants as possible need to be connected to electronic invoicing. As an invoice recipient, you will benefit primarily from:

  • Automation of invoice processing
  • More efficient invoice processing
  • Faster processes with less manual work
  • Cost and time savings

Best practice guide: how to persuade your providers

Harness your potential now and get started with our guide.

Tools for connecting providers

Use the following template to write to your providers and persuade them of the benefits of electronic invoices.

Do you have any questions about digital invoices?

Arrange a personal consultation and get comprehensive advice from our experts.