Find e-invoice recipients

Convince your customers of the benefits of B2B electronic invoices

Electronic invoices are becoming increasingly commonplace in everyday business. As an invoice issuer, you also benefit from end-to-end digital invoice exchange via the accounting system. Use our best practices to convince your customers of the benefits of electronic invoices and enjoy the full potential of electronic invoicing for your business.

Acquire customers for electronic invoicing

In the past, sending and receiving invoices was straightforward: the invoice issuer printed out the document, sent it by post and could assume that the invoice would reach the recipient a few days later – and that the recipient would be able to enter it in their system and approve it for payment. But in an increasingly digitized world, a rapidly growing number of companies now rely on electronic invoice exchange. This not only saves time, but also cuts costs. As an invoice issuer, you benefit above all from:

  • A reduction in costs by cutting down on paper invoices
  • Increased security
  • Time savings by mailing digitally
  • Reduction in CO2 emissions by mailing digitally

However, for a single company to enjoy the full potential of the solution, as many other companies as possible need to be connected to electronic invoicing.

Best practices: how to find new invoice recipients

Harness your potential now and get started by using our best practice guidelines.

Tools for connecting invoice recipients

Use our template to write to your customers and persuade them of the benefits of electronic invoices.

Do you have any questions about digital invoices?

Arrange a personal consultation and get comprehensive advice from our experts.