Renovation calculator

Find out the costs of renovating your own home

Do you own your home and want to know which renovation work needs to be done and when, how much it will all cost and how eco-friendly your property will be before and after renovation? The renovation calculator will provide you with a guideline.

Why renovation work pays off threefold

As a homeowner, keeping your property in good condition is vital: renovation work will maintain or increase the value of your home, provide a more comfortable living space and reduce your ecological footprint. Which renovation work is needed, how much will it cost and how can you make your home greener?

Renovation costs and sustainability at a glance

The free renovation calculator enables you to estimate what needs to be done, how much it will cost and what subsidies are available for improving energy performance. The calculator also shows you your home’s current level of CO2 emissions and heating requirements and which renovation measures are needed to improve its sustainability.  

Renovation calculator: work out improvement costs and sustainability online

Get an overview of the renovation costs that will be incurred and find out how improvements can make your home more eco-friendly. “Calculate now” takes you directly to the free Wüest Partner AG renovation calculator.

    • You enter the key data on your home in the renovation calculator
    • The renovation calculator provides a renovation plan with costs and a time frame, information on CO2 emissions and heat requirements (current condition vs after renovation) and an initial estimate of any subsidies available
    • You’ll receive the results online and via e-mail in PDF format
    • The renovation calculator allows you to work out renovation requirements, the costs involved and the level of subsidies available to improve energy performance. The calculator also shows your home’s level of CO2 emissions and heat requirements both now and after it’s been upgraded. The results help you to manage your home renovation in the long term, factoring in environmental considerations. 

    • Yes. The renovation calculator allows you to select energy-efficient renovation measures based on renewable energy. This then enables you to cut the ecological footprint of your home. 

    • First, publicly available data accessed by the calculator is used in the calculations. That includes data from measurements or building records. Secondly, you have to enter additional information about your property. This could include details on the fit-out standard of wet rooms, the kitchen and other construction components, the current and future type of heat generation or improvements already made. 

    • Your data is transmitted in encrypted format and stored securely. 

    • The renovation calculator works out the costs based on empirical values. The actual costs may be higher or lower than estimated depending on the standard of installation. 

    • They include costs for the construction components, as well as the planning and implementation of the improvement work.

    • Yes. Construction work is more expensive in some places than others. For example, transporting building materials to the site can sometimes be difficult – especially in mountain regions. The subsidies, which are managed differently depending on the canton or municipality, can also affect the costs of renovation work.

    • The more accurate the information on your home, the more meaningful the result. 

    • Yes. You have the option of simulating various options, allowing you to select the optimal solutions in terms of costs and energy efficiency. 

    • The renovation calculator is free of charge.

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