Place, length of ownership and profit determine the taxes due
The biggest difference is in the taxes that ultimately have to be paid: the tax rate varies from canton to canton and is usually based on the amount of profit on the sale and the length of ownership. Only AG, AR, BS, FR, GE, UR, NW, OW, TG, TI and VD apply a proportional rate for real estate gains tax. In these cantons, every profit is taxed at the same rate, regardless of the amount. All other cantons have a progressive rate that varies according to the amount of profit.
Extreme examples (as of 2023): SG still taxes a profit on sale of 200,000 francs after 20 years at the huge amount of 54,290 francs. For the same amount, TI asks for only 12,000 francs after 20 years. BL and GR also take the accumulated depreciation in the value of money into account. The tax amount usually decreases over the years – in Geneva even reaching zero after 25 years.
Almost all cantons abstain from taxation of minor profits. In most cases, taxes are levied from a profit of 4,000 or 5,000 francs. SO sets the minimum limit at 12,000 francs, while LU has a minimum of 13,000 francs.