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Created on 03.06.2019

When there’s too much month left at the end of the money

Many of us have had this experience: it’s the middle of the month, but your account looks like it is already the end of the month. This can happen from time to time, and it’s something that can generally be offset with savings. However, it’s more sustainable to ration your monthly budget effectively and to prevent these things from happening in the first place. We’ll show you how.

It is useful to begin by setting out your monthly expenses and your monthly net income, and try to see  where you can make savings. Set yourself priorities and try not to cut back on the wrong things wherever possible: leave the things you need, such as insurance, your pension, healthcare and so on, and also remember to set aside some money for taxes so you don’t get a nasty shock when your bill arrives – or maybe even get into debt as a result. 

But if even you still don’t have enough funds to last until the end of the month, despite your household budget and these saving tips, there are other ways of getting your expenses and income back under control:

A part-time job – generate additional income

Could you take on a part-time job in addition to your full-time work/training? If you can, this may be a good way of improving your income temporarily or in the long run. 

Change jobs – boost your income

If it is a general problem that you’re unable to make a basic living on your income, it could well be worth looking for a better-paid position. Could you acquire new skills by doing online courses that would help you qualify for a higher pay grade? Do other employers pay more, even if they are further away from where you live? Keep your ear to the ground and do your utmost to at least earn enough to cover your basic needs and have a small reserve. 

Sell things you no longer need

Do you have clothes, electronic devices or maybe even vehicles you rarely or no longer use? Having a clear-out won’t just help you make more room, it can also help you financially. Flea markets and online shops are good places to supplement your family budget in the short term. 

Budget advice – draw up a budget with the help of experts

You’ve already compiled a budget plan, but finances are still a problem? Perhaps you would prefer to draw up a budget together with a specialist. Take the opportunity to arrange an appointment with a financial advice center so you can get practical help with your problem. If it’s more a question of what bank products are right for you, and how you can get more for your money with investments, then the PostFinance appointment scheduling tool could also be of help. This simple feature allows you to book an appointment in e-finance from the comfort of your own home so you can get personal advice.

Appointment scheduling tool

Book consultations in e-finance.

Savings/reserves – planning for financially difficult times

If your problem is a short-term one, you could dip into your reserves to tackle it. That’s what they’re there for, after all. Be sure, though, to try and draw on these reserves only when absolutely necessary (e.g. doctor’s bills, food, etc.) rather than using them for unnecessary things. In order to keep track of everything, you can set up notifications in e-finance  where you can decide on rules and how much you can spend so that you can keep a lid on your budget in the long run.


Use notifications to keep everything in check.

Temporary budget problems can be well managed if you have a reserve, a strict budget or a small side job. How much money do I actually have in my account? With the PostFinance app, you can check your account and your activities anytime and anywhere so that you don’t run the risk of spending more than you actually have. The Notifications feature is also very good for this: you will either receive a push notification, a text message or an e-mail if, for instance, you have not reached an account limit you set, or you can receive messages about any activity in your account. 

If, however, you regularly have problems supporting yourself with your income at the end of the month, it is certainly worth taking advantage of the budget advice service. 

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