Legal information

Here you can find legal notices and information on the topics listed below.

Legal notices

  • Your trust is important to us. Here you can find out more about how PostFinance handles personal data and bank client confidentiality, taking into account the universal service obligation in payment transactions.

  • Corporate governance, compliance and risk management are key levers in PostFinance’s transparent and successful management. Here you can find more information on the above-mentioned topics as well as the PostFinance Code of Conduct and information on depositor protection.

  • Financial Services Act (FinSA)

    The Federal Act on Financial Services (FinSA) has been in force since 1 January 2020. The purpose of the law is to protect the customers of financial service providers. Here you will find information about PostFinance and its supervisory authority, the ombudsman conciliation office and the implementation of FinSA at PostFinance.


    Here you can find information on our investment solutions.

    Statement of commitment to the FX Global Code

    PostFinance AG  ("Institution") has reviewed the content of the FX Global Code ("Code") and acknowledges that the Code represents a set of principles generally recognised as good practice in the wholesale foreign exchange market ("FX Market"). The Institution confirms that it acts as a Market Participant as defined by the Code, and is committed to conducting its FX Market activities ("Activities") in a manner consistent with the principles of the Code.

    To this end, the Institution has taken appropriate steps, based on the size and complexity of its Activities, and the nature of its engagement in the FX Market, to align its Activities with the principles of the Code.

  • Purpose

    The EU’s amended Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD II) came into force on 3  September  2020. SRD II aims in particular to strengthen the rights of shareholders of listed companies and to improve communication between listed companies and their shareholders.
    PostFinance and other financial institutions must – regardless of their domicile – forward certain information from listed companies domiciled in an EU/EEA Member State to shareholders, facilitating the exercise of voting rights. Upon request, financial institutions are obliged to provide certain information about their customers who are shareholders in such listed companies.


    The Shareholder Rights Directive II applies to all financial institutions that hold shares for their customers in a listed company domiciled in the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA). PostFinance and its customers who hold such securities in their custody accounts are therefore also impacted.
    However, as some national transposition laws go beyond the minimum requirements set out in the European directive, its scope may be extended. This means that bonds and funds, for example, may also fall within its scope, provided that an EEA Member State incorporates them into national law.

    Identifying shareholders

    In accordance with Article 3a of the Shareholder Rights Directive, listed companies in the EU have the right to identify their shareholders. The company may therefore request PostFinance to provide it with certain information (in particular on the identity of the shareholder). It is not possible to opt out of disclosing the required information to a company that requests it; PostFinance is obliged to provide the information (e.g. number of shares). However, it is always possible to invest in other assets to which SRD II’s duties of disclosure do not apply.

    Transmitting information

    Financial intermediaries (including PostFinance) must immediately forward to the shareholder the information required to exercise shareholder rights. 

    Facilitating the exercise of shareholder rights

    PostFinance is obliged to facilitate the exercise of rights by the shareholder, in particular the right to attend and vote at the General Meeting of the shareholders. PostFinance must therefore make arrangements to enable the shareholder to exercise the rights attached to the shares. Furthermore, PostFinance must forward the confirmation of voting to the shareholders without undue delay.

  • Sometimes contact with customers is broken and assets become dormant as a result. This can mean that assets belonging to customers and their heirs can end up being forgotten. To avoid this, we rely on your help. You can find the most important information on this topic in this information from Swiss Bankers Association.

Terms of use for digital presence

  • PostFinance Ltd is a successful financial service provider and a high yielding subsidiary of Swiss Post Ltd. PostFinance Ltd is the number one in payment transactions in Switzerland and in e-finance, the electronic account management platform. PostFinance Ltd provides a comprehensive, innovative range of financial services in the payments, savings, investments, retirement planning and financing segments for both private and business customers.

    Contact address

    PostFinance Ltd
    Contact Center
    Mingerstrasse 20
    3030 Berne


    Tel.: +41 848 888 700 (at telecom provider’s rate)

    Company identification number (UID):

  • By accessing the PostFinance website, you agree that you have understood and accept the legal information below.

    Please refer to the Privacy Policy if you have any questions about data protection.

    The legal information and any information and opinions published on the PostFinance website can be changed at any time without prior notice.

    This legal information also governs the access to and use of services associated with the PostFinance website, such as newsletters and online magazines.

    Information on the advertising of services and products offered by PostFinance Ltd can be found on

    • The PostFinance website is intended solely for natural persons and legal entities whose domicile or headquarters is in Switzerland. It is not addressed to persons subject to legislation that prohibits access to the PostFinance website. These persons should not access the PostFinance website.

      Country filters are installed on the PostFinance website. You agree that when accessing a country-specific PostFinance top level domain you are considered to be domiciled in the relevant country. You also hereby agree that the selection of a certain country segment is correct and that you (in particular on the basis of your nationality and/or residence or headquarters) are not subject to any legislation that prohibits or restricts the display of information about PostFinance products or services. This applies in particular to persons domiciled in Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Canada and the US.

    • All the items on the PostFinance website are owned by PostFinance or third parties and the associated intellectual property rights are protected. “PostFinance” and the corresponding logos are registered trademarks of PostFinance Ltd. The entire contents of the PostFinance website are protected by copyright (all rights reserved). No part of the PostFinance website is designed to grant a licence or right to use an image, a registered trademark or a logo.

      Downloading, copying or printing out individual pages or parts of the PostFinance website is permitted for private use only, provided that the copyright notice or other legally protected names or symbols are not removed. Complete or partial reproduction, communication (electronic or otherwise), modification, linking or use of the PostFinance website for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written consent from PostFinance. PostFinance retains all rights if you download software or other elements from the PostFinance website or duplicate material in any other way.

    • The information and statements published on the PostFinance website do not constitute an invitation to tender, a solicitation, an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell products or services, to carry out any other transaction, or to enter into any kind of legal transaction. Simply accessing the PostFinance website does not make you a PostFinance customer.

      No advice (investment, legal or tax advice) is given via the PostFinance website. The information and opinions are not a basis for investment decisions.

    • The information on the PostFinance website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Although PostFinance exercises the level of care and due diligence customary in the industry to ensure that the information on the PostFinance website is accurate, reliable and complete at the time of publication, neither we nor your contractual partner can guarantee or assume any liability (be it explicit or implicit) for its accuracy, reliability, topicality or completeness. PostFinance has no obligation to update information or opinions, to specify that information is no longer up to date, or to remove such information from the PostFinance website.

      PostFinance takes no responsibility and cannot guarantee that the PostFinance website will function without interruption or errors, or that errors will be rectified.

    • The future performance of an investment instrument cannot be assumed from past market trends. The price and value of investments and the income generated from them can go up or down. It is not possible to guarantee that the invested capital will retain, or even increase, its value. You must also be prepared to lose the entire amount of capital invested. Please contact your customer advisor before you make any investment decisions.
    • PostFinance has not tested the websites linked to the PostFinance website and accepts no responsibility for their content or for the products, services or other offers they include. The establishment of connections to other websites is at your own risk.

      Prior permission from PostFinance is required before setting up a link to a third-party website on the PostFinance website.

    • PostFinance does not accept any liability to the extent that is permissible by law for direct, indirect or consequential damage incurred by the user or by third parties as a result of accessing or using the PostFinance website or as a result of the impossibility to access or use it, interruptions to service or other deficiencies.
    • As far as admissible by law, access to and use of the PostFinance website and the legal information shall be subject to substantive Swiss law. Subject to conflicting and compulsory legal provisions, the sole place of jurisdiction for all proceedings is Berne.

      © PostFinance Ltd, June 2017

  • Accessible PostFinance websites

    Since 2004, access for all has been required by the Swiss law covering equality for the disabled (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz - BehiG), and PostFinance has therefore been consistently implementing this requirement.

    This means that blind people are able to make good use of the website and can have content read aloud to them by audio output. Visually impaired people are able to display all text and images in any size. Furthermore, the contrast is optimized everywhere for good legibility. People with motor disabilities can navigate the website with alternative input methods or simply by using the keyboard. Those with hearing difficulties can easily follow videos on our website with the help of subtitles. More and more people with age-related conditions can also benefit from all of these improvements.

    Certified in accordance with the highest quality level (AA+)

    PostFinance adopts a consistent approach to implementing the latest version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0, AA), and in November 2020 it was once again awarded the highest possible quality level (AA+) by the “Access for all” certification body.

    2020 AA+ Access for All


    PostFinance Ltd
    Mingerstrasse 20
    3030 Berne Switzerland

    Tel.: +41 58 448 14 14 (at telecom provider’s rate)

    Accesskeys – useful navigation help

    Access keys facilitate quick access to certain web pages and content via the keyboard. This is of great benefit to users who prefer using the computer keyboard instead of the mouse. PostFinance incorporates this quick access and has adopted the access key assignment recommended by the “Access for all” foundation.


    0 = To homepage

    1 = To navigation (within page)

    2 = To content (within page)

    3 = To e-finance login

    4 = To site map

    9 = Logout

    Accesskeys e-finance

    0 = To the contents

    1 = Main navigation

    2 = To the contents 

    3 = Start page

    4 = Site map

    9 = Logout

    How the access keys work in various browsers

    Internet Explorer: Alt key + access key number, followed by Enter
    Firefox: Alt key + shift key + access key number
    Chrome, Safari: Alt key + access key number

    Mac OS X:
    Safari, Firefox, Chrome: Ctrl key + alt key + access key number

    Some useful Jaws abbreviations

    T = Table

    F = Form

    V = Visited link

    H = Heading

    JAWS key + F5 = List of all form fields

    JAWS key + F6 = List of headings

    JAWS key + F7 = List of links

    Tips on accessible use of e-finance

    The main e-finance menu consists of the following sections:

    «Home», «Assets», «Payments», «Documents» and «Offers» are available to all customers.

    Business customers have a «Pooling» section if account pooling is activated.

    An overview page with tiles can be found within each section. Tiles are squares lined up next to and on top of one another.

    You can change the order of the tiles by dragging and dropping or by using the «Arrange tiles» function.

    There are different types of tile as follows:

    • Tiles for carrying out transactions directly, such as «One-time transfer». These tiles use the standard settings. If personal settings can be defined, you can access them via an additional link on the tile.
    • Tiles for starting a transaction, such as «Domestic payment». You enter the initial information on the tile, then click on «Next» to access the detailed view where you can complete the transaction.
    • Tiles for displaying your most recent transactions or documents. These tiles also contain a link to the detailed view, where you can search for all transactions/documents.
    • Tiles for accessing less frequently used functions

    Always use the most up-to-date browser and software versions

    Continuous improvements

    Certain content is not yet completely accessible. This applies especially to older applications or those with sophisticated programming. They will be made accessible as far as possible. These services are marked accordingly and are not a main part of certification granted by the “Access for all” foundation.

    The following sub-areas are affected:

    • E-trading
    • Webinars
    • E-bills
    • Manuals, print templates, account and interest statements (PDF files)

    Technological progress requires constant monitoring, but it also allows continuous improvement to the accessibility of web content. That is why PostFinance has agreed to periodic quality controls and a permanent exchange of expertise with the “Access for all” foundation. Content is regularly reviewed and made as accessible as possible as part of the next release.

  • Our social media profiles are aimed at a wide audience. We value feedback, comments and engagement on an equal footing. We reserve the right to block users and delete contributions that violate our netiquette.

    PostFinance will never ask users for personal information via a social media channel. You should never publish your personal details or any particulars about your bank accounts in the public domain or on social media channels.

    For data security reasons, we cannot answer questions about bank accounts via social media if customer identification would be required. Please contact our customer service by calling +41 58 448 14 14, by using the online chat or by sending us a message in the e-finance login area. If you have any questions about our social media profiles, you can contact us directly on social media.

    If you follow or interact with PostFinance’s social media profiles, other users may be able to identify a potential customer relationship between you as an individual and PostFinance. As people who are not customers can also be PostFinance fans or followers, fan or follower status does not necessarily imply that the user in question has a banking customer relationship with PostFinance.

    PostFinance is responsible for the social media profiles, but is not affiliated with the platform providers. We have no control over how these platforms or other third parties use the information that you publish on social media. We therefore suggest consulting the data protection and security guidelines for the various platforms:

    The link will open in a new window TwitterThe link will open in a new window FacebookThe link will open in a new window LinkedInThe link will open in a new window YouTubeThe link will open in a new window Instagram, The link will open in a new window TikTok, The link will open in a new window Snapchat, The link will open in a new window Pinterest

    PostFinance is not responsible for the data protection and security guidelines for these social media platforms or those of other third parties.

    Content on PostFinance and employee social media channels is provided for information purposes. The content should not be viewed as advice, a recommendation or a solicitation to purchase/sell investments or to carry out transactions.

    Competitions or prize draws advertised on PostFinance profiles are not affiliated with the social media platform in question. They are not sponsored, supported or organized by these platforms. Prize draw participants cannot assert rights against the social media platforms.

    You can find the PostFinance data protection guidelines for visitors to our websites and social media channels here:

    For additional information, please refer to the legal information on our website.