Sustainable inside and out

Working together for sustainability

We are raising awareness about sustainability among our employees and giving them the opportunity to get involved in ideas aimed at improving sustainability. We work together to find ways to integrate sustainability into our everyday work. These are our initiatives.

Moving forward with sustainability ideas

Our corporate responsibility impact days bring together employees who are eager to implement their own ideas for a more sustainable PostFinance or to help existing ideas achieve a breakthrough. These can be projects aimed at saving energy, launching of green market services, or the promotion of diversity at PostFinance. The main thing is that they must influence (impact) PostFinance’s impact goals. 

Exchanging knowledge

At brown bag sessions or talks, PostFinance gives its employees the opportunity to acquire knowledge and exchange ideas on a wide range of sustainability topics such as topsharing, part-time work, green regulations, sustainability projects such as the in-house developed CO2 calculator or external childcare services in the region. 

Sustainability Ambassadors throughout the company

With our expanded Corporate Responsibility team, we have formed a community of around 40 sustainability ambassadors who promote sustainability in their working environment and raise awareness among their colleagues. These employees are the mouthpiece and the main link between their units and the Corporate Responsibility team. 

Support for projects you are passionate about

PostFinance supports its employees’ sustainability initiatives in a variety of ways – for example, by giving its employees the opportunity to put their heartfelt sustainability concerns into action.

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