How we work

What we’re working on – how we work

As an in-house innovation team, we are on the lookout for forward-looking business ideas, even outside of banking. This means we are working in an horizon where the issues at hand are not always tangible, and so we get projects ready by carrying out experiments and pilot projects. It is extremely important our innovation process is open to the outside world.

Where we’re active: our horizon

VNTR | Innovation & Venturing divides innovation into different horizons. These horizons reflect the distance between the level of innovation and the current core business: innovations used to develop existing products and services in the core business of banking, those within the related core business and those used to develop business models and areas outside of the current core business. VNTR is mainly active in horizon 3.

Horizon 1

Core business: developing and gradually improving current products and services.

Horizon 2

Digital transformation: developing digital products and services in the related core business that will help transform PostFinance into a digital powerhouse.

Horizon 3

Future banking: developing new business models and areas outside of the current core business by carrying out quick experiments and pilot projects.

The following priorities help to guide us:

VNTR | Innovation

Identifying future issues and needs (exploration) Producing approaches and solutions by carrying out quick experiments and pilot projects with prototypes, MVPs, RATs and PoCs with the customer. These findings can either help us implement a solution there and then, or might lay the groundwork for strategic decisions. 

Developing skills and business in dedicated areas (e.g. in future-friendly, disruptive technologies, such as blockchain and the relevant applications), and the direct, autonomous implementation of these structures and business models.

VNTR | Corporate venture capital (CVC)

Access to new business models, technologies and knowledge gained by investing in highly promising start-ups. 

“We innovate, cooperate, invest and make acquisitions for PostFinance to identify opportunities early on, tap into potential and produce innovative, disruptive projects with future earnings potential.”

Mathias Strazza, Head of VNTR | Innovation & Venturing by PostFinance