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Created on 23.02.2021

How to conserve resources while working from home

If we can work at home — and therefore don’t need to commute — we cut down on our CO2 emissions for the climate. But when it comes to working from home, there’s still more to do in terms of sustainability. Here are a few tips

Tip 1: Goodnight standby mode!

They say never put all your eggs in one basket — and that applies at work, too. However, connecting various work devices, such as a desktop computer, monitor or laser printer to just one power strip, well — that makes good sense. By running your electronic equipment via a central power strip, you save energy. Not while the devices are running, of course. But after the work is done: by switching off the power strip, you prevent your appliances from eating up power in standby mode overnight, for instance. With inkjet printers, it’s often not advisable to disconnect them from the mains over and over again, as they start up a cleaning run when they’re switched on again, which uses up a lot of ink. And an additional tip: If you’re working on a laptop and take a break: simply close it shut. It’ll then go into sleep mode.

Tip 2: Clear the air — and your head too

Proper ventilation is really simple: letting a draught run through for a moment is a quick and effective way to circulate fresh air — and is better than leaving the window tilted open all day. Repeat this type of brisk ventilation several times a day — that way you not only conserve energy, but also ensure a clear head thanks to the extra oxygen supply. The duration of this brisk ventilation depends on the outside temperatures: in the winter a few minutes is enough.

Tip 3: Look for appliances that don’t guzzle energy

Need a new coffee machine or other electronic device for your breaks at home? Then consider energy-efficient products when buying. The energy label provides you with the information you need.

Tip 4: Smart printing

There are times when you can’t avoid printing out documents. If this is the case, use unbleached recycled paper whenever possible or even the reverse sides of pages you no longer need. And always try to avoid including unnecessary information in the print-out, such as your own e-mail header. It’s also worth printing jobs collectively and in double-sided mode.

Tip 5: Run only what’s necessary

You’re having a long conversation with a customer or doing research on the Internet: so make sure you close unneeded programs and applications running in the background. They only consume unnecessary power and slow down the computer.

Tip 6: Go off-grid now and then

As a general rule, you don’t need to be uploading and downloading data all day. And that also offers a good opportunity to disconnect from the Internet for a while. This saves energy and frees up the battery.

Tip 7: Good for bright sparks

If possible, position your desk so you benefit from daylight for as long as possible throughout the day. And if you still need artificial light: switch it off when you finish work and during breaks. This is also a signal to the mind that it can now relax for a certain period.

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